dreamt flying in the winded silence briefly died
What darken wall I set to music
75% wet muffled reproduction's handful loose
the complete animal was promised
fairy skeleton reassemble a one as real as me
at this leet quietude transmitted across the flats
out apertures obliged to witness knowth
handsoïl archetypal rifle & fiction rifle patina
see the life in them to say it to others that I know it
er you know I can't say but just know on hearing
new marvels this day arranging clothes about their legs
gameplay Douglas Oliver zoned to living all replay
affordances of tools instruments in unopen field
clops on already fed faces sullen metaphysics
ease arting technical out the face of Sky Saxon
I am pleased to announce
cognition is titles obliging
working class tunes for dancing
I like to write lines
seagull’s kite
that it has this shape at all
signals from not far what we are
song promises complete animals
immanences leasing prosopaeias
resonance evaporates meat juice
making futurity in small batches
euphoria dying time between things
count the days I’m here
antiquity a little bit sooner to see ghost juice
Who are you to not be you
held in chairs set up angles
not speak beyond report
positions taken during dreaming
hesitate before or hesitate and
and recite in real language with no vowels
alliteration suborned by task specific iambic
fast rides expeditionary components
obliged to think to be entertained
you think you created the things you love
mimic transformation the only thing that's going to happen
feelings of power usage unfamiliarly yours
on the shelf down to the fen
you belong no further this way or that
Sneezing the only outlet for emotion
I'm gonna leave here walking
I don’t know much about how I began
just like the start of something else
empty except for godliness
salvate also means tamed
I been dancin on my own
shuffle rolling in the middle of myself
in median virtue awaiting titles
making the best of days
I am born of iron chance
composing sonic obligations
fingering 2018's absence conker
making time out of my ginger beard
The only thing that's going to happen is Christmas
when we make St Augustine’s exploded diagram of simultaneity
pretend recitations real slow out of the luck sack
you think you created iron chance
unplanned year-round cropping of the garden
oh say Jonathan Meades in a TV chair weighing tapes
no hesitation to pretend to know wave turning
Trellinick & Massey say oh in wood and fabric chairs
recitation you pretend to repeat and know again
making futurity go in small batches you like it like that
recite in space deathless 20th century cosmos
to stillness to knowing to getting up in the morning
core element unbouncing every time its thrown
within wch heavy germ of culture sits
When you were indivisible and spirits made spaces
repetition increase of circumstances
what will work per episode per task
dream sets off immediate expression
no remedies and it is only stories speeding up
disappointment and its causes and consequences
omissions and silent voices reportage’s cage
procedures of disappointment games
made in the old presents for a particular purpose
a lot of Antarctica is how its data live now
what's to be withheld is counter to crazing
coincidental cadences vowels set in ice shelf
fast spare barbarous translations hiss to finish
in chairs without parkas at specific sunrises
crushed almost I projected flew in 1978 dreamt flying in the winded silence briefly died bounced off tarmac 15 feet from launch raised...